
Our Lady of Fatima

 On July 13th 1917 The Virgin Mary appeared to three children. She promised a miracle on the 13th Oct of that year at 'noon'. At least 40,000 people gathered to watch the miracle at 2pm (Portugal had changed its time to coincide with its soldiers in France). It was well documented.

Though not observed around the world it was seen within about a 10 mile radius of the locality. Attempts to explain it by weather conditions have been shown to be too improbable. It was said to be like a huge lens that had been placed between the observers and the sun. Nobody's eyes were damaged!

It is interesting  that she showed the children hell; and predicted the great threat that Russia presented.

I will not be seeing much of the sun today as rain and wind are forecast this morning. I cut the lawns and water blasted around the front section yesterday. Later I'll clean the Presbyterian church as I am doing some of K's cleans tomorrow. He is very excited about the 'do' tomorrow night and wants time to get ready. 



  1. Replies
    1. Great question. Fatima is in central Portugal located on the table land of of Cova da Iria.

  2. Up here in Whangarei we experience such phenomena as well. In fact - it's happening now!
    When heavy rainclouds suddenly part the sun behind shines down in a beam that is in stark contrast to the dark and gloomy rainclouds that are surrounding it.
    I can't see any Marys though, neither fat or skinny ones.

    1. What you describe may be a phenomena but is not of supernatural origin. The same effect happens when light shines through a partially parted curtain and is reflected off dust particles. Likewise if you squint at a light bulb you may see rays emanating. What happened at Fatima was totally different. The spectators were bathed in alternating colours of light. The sun appeared to rotate and move around the sky. Finally it 'rushed' at the crowd growing in size and completely dried the saturated crowd and the muddy ground.

  3. We call the miracle of wet clothes drying up from the sun 'washing day' up here.

  4. Yes you simple folk of the north have little understanding of science and nature.
