
Pray for the souls in Purgatory

 As soon as we die we are judged. This will be totally fair and we will feel no need to have input because every event of our life will be shown to us. We can no longer pray nor ask for assistance. If we have prayed in our life on earth to The Blessed Mother she may ask her Son to be lenient. 

None of us can really expect to go straight to heaven. Even saintly people often need purification first. That's where purgatory comes in. It's important to pray for these souls as they can no longer pray for themselves. We owe a debt especially to parents to petition God to be lenient to them. 

Some people invent their own religions saying things like "A loving God wouldn't send anyone to hell". Of course this is delusion and makes not one iota of difference to the reality of the judgement we must all face. 

It is told that Catherine of Sienna did a bargain with God that her dying father might go straight to heaven if she took on the suffering that justice demanded of him in purgatory. God relented and agreed. It is said she suffered terribly from an unidentified malady for the rest of her life, but she didn't mind knowing her father was in paradise!


  1. The nuns at your primary school would be pleased to know that their puerile bullshit took root in you Robert.


  2. GOD IS LEVO. (a true story)

    Like me, my son was subjected to this bullshit when he was at primary school. The difference was that he was at a state school and not a religious school. Christian people were allowed in, for some strange reason, to indoctrinate young minds to their fantasies. My son brought home a poster he had been forced to make. The writing on it said, "God is levo."
    Do all Christians struggle with spelling and grammar?
    They would probably say that this was the work of Satan.
    In reality, this was a result of the work of stupid people.
    Thankfully my son didn't buy into this silly shit.
    His poster sums this nonsense up really well...


  3. You edited your post. "God is left." means that he is not there anymore. Yes, I know that the grammar is a bit shaky, but we are talking to Christians.

    1. You edited your post again.


  4. Not necessarily. He could be buggering off.

  5. Anyway, when my son used the word 'levo' he knew nothing about Latin. It was just incorrect spelling. I doubt that any of those grammatically challenged Christians who came into his school were Latin experts. Hell! They were struggling with English.
    Tra il dire e il fare c'e` di mezzo il mare.

  6. La mamma degli imbecilli e` sempre incinta.

  7. God was certainly not love or even levo when he made that bargain with the woman front Sienna.
    What a cunt.

  8. Have fun Peter but don't sin. Otherwise you'll finish up like Robert the sinner.

  9. "The Holy Spirit has revealed that there is a divide between present humanity, namely, the saved and the damned. The latter will be punished with everlasting torments, while the former will enjoy everlasting happiness in glory. "
    E. Ybarra said that. The boy from Andalusia.
    Being punished with everlasting torments doesn't sound it would come from a loving god. There again, Señor Ybarra could just have been talking shit.
    El señor Ybarra dice tonterías.
