All souls day follows hard on the heels of all saints day. Catholic Answers explains it ...
All Souls Day, celebrated on November 2, is a day set aside in the Roman Catholic Church to pray for the souls in purgatory. (Eastern Catholics celebrate five All Souls Saturdays, which occur before and during Lent, and on the Saturday before Pentecost.) The Church teaches that purgatory is a temporary state of purification for those who have died in God’s grace but still carry the effects of venial sins (forgiven and unforgiven) and forgiven mortal sins. The faithful on earth are called to offer prayers, sacrifices, and Masses to help these souls attain the beatific vision—eternal life with God in heaven. This day emphasizes the doctrine that many of the souls of the faithful departed need our prayers as they complete their purification.
All souls day is a good day to visit a relatives grave and say prayers for them and lay a flower by it. Though probably the most efficacious practise is to attend the Holy Mass and offer it up for them.
I thought it was something to do with shoes.
No, you’re thinking of St Illetto Day.
"The Holy Spirit has revealed that there is a divide between present humanity, namely, the saved and the damned. The latter will be punished with everlasting torments, while the former will enjoy everlasting happiness in glory. "
DeleteWhat a sad regime. I'm certainly not voting for God!
Yeah, that silly statement got me too. So much for Christian forgiveness.