
Rubber toe?

 This is Roberto Rubber Toe. I found him on instagram.

RBB gave the name to me also as a play on my pseudonym Roberto. I don't know if he remembered that I have had a numb big toe for a few years too. My doctor didn't know why. I've since self diagnosed it as Neuro Pathology. It's accompanied by occasional intense pain in my feet.  Evidently alcohol can cause it.
I've been treating it successfully with Cherry Juice (and no alcohol). About 40mg of cherry extract before going to bed, as it is most bothersome then.  
Cherry juice from the chemist is very expensive. $35 for a 750 ml bottle. I've since found I could buy it direct from the New Zealand manufacturer for about $25. But then I found a Turkish import at Pak n Save for about $5. I've yet to try the import. If the symptoms return I'll go back to the NZ product direct, post free from the manufacturer.

Have fun but do not sin. 

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