

K went out to get a Tattoo yesterday so while I had the house to myself I put a couple of coats on the bathroom floor. For someone reason while I was at it engine room floors came to mind. 

It occured to me that they probably would have to paint the floors in a ship owing to them being metal!

This morning it was smoked salmon courtesy of K.

I combined all my religious statues for a nativity display. I intend to leave it on show  permanently.
The weather station is flashing rain so it will be a day inside for the last day of the holidays and some cello practise. No I don't keep a diary of my hours. 

Have a blessed day and don't sin.


  1. A black Virgin Mary?
    That’s very progressive of you.

  2. Very observant of you, yes Sue's great, grandmother was Maori.

  3. Anything you post will be better than Peter's latest.

