Trent Horn has had a concise look at the Trump/Harris debate and abortion in the USA.
We are having a lazy day after a late evening in the hospital last night. We waited over 4 hours for the ambulance. They said our case wasn't really urgent and they were very busy. About 10 minutes later a nurse rang. They do quite a clever thing with phones now where the nurse looks through my phone remotely and gauges the wound's severity. She decided it was bad enough to go to hospital. We weren't surprised with the waiting time even though the hospital and ambulance base are just 5 minutes away. It was the same last time S split her knee open.
When the ambulance did arrive about 6.10 pm they seemed a little surprised about the wait. They said they had just come on shift though. But at the hospital end the ambulance had a word with the co-ordinator and managed to get us a higher priority. In the end the doctor admitted that there was not much they could do and he said the type of wound took a very long time to heal. Stitching was not an option. We are familiar with these open wounds on the front chin of the lower leg. The skin is thin and tight and its a matter of keeping it clean and covered. we'll be having a nurse visit to change the dressings 2 or 3 times a week. We are very fortunate to have free care.
I'll keep S company for a couple of hours until she toddles off to bed and then I'll have a few run throughs of the Blue Drag and Haydn Concerto. I've got accompaniments for both and it's fun playing along.
Have fun but don't sin.
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