
Honour your mother and father

The family predates any political institution. The family is said to be primordial. The state does not define the family. The family constitutes a "domestic church" in all its forms.
 This applies to single parents and step children. This domestic church must be based on prayer and devotion to God. The church will grow through friendships and family. This means it will be imperfect, but can spread the good news of Jesus. The family is the school of love.
 Society should honour and help the family. The family should help the old and sick as well as children, it teaches care. In the family one learns moral responsibilies. We learn how to love well in the family. Society must not violate the principle of subsidiarity; it must not step in and take over unnecessarily. Society can not tell the family how to function. The family must have the right to religious worship for instance. Familys are made up of persons who must be treated with dignity Everyone around us is a someone.
 Each has an origin and an eternal soul and a plan of salvation. 
There is a duty of gratitude for children young or grown. "Whoever angers his mother is cursed by the Lord". All fatherhood grows from God's fatherhood. Respect for parents derives from gratitude. We  are all imperfect but should acknowledge where our parents went right. Life is really hard. But there is still much to be grateful to. We owe our parents obedience while living at home. Even after children should
 respect their parents wishes and just admonitions. The 'school of love' does not end when we leave home. Respect must continue. Parents are always owed respect and help in their old age. In turn parents must provide disinterested service. No strings. The home is suited for teaching virtues. Children are called to leave, some might claim for freedom. But freedom has its roots in the family.  The preconditions for all true freedom are: an apprenticeship in self denial, sound judgement and self mastery. (Fr Schmidt "Catechism in a year").

And now ....


  1. Seven kids - must be a Catholic family

    1. Bloody hell! There are 8 kids.


    2. Either a good Catholic man or a sex maniac.


  2. That was OK except for the god and religious crap.
