
keep Sunday holy

Today we move on to "keep the Sabbath holy".
Jesus said that man is not made for the Sabbath. In the Hebrew account of creation God is said to have rested on the seventh day. We do like-wise and honour God at the same time. Christianity moved the day forward to the beginning of the week to sync it with the resurrection. 
Why do we buck against this commandment? We are not slaves. It is a day to rest and let others be refreshed. We are happy to work for and worship money. It has become an idol. On this day we stop worshipping money. We think stuff needs to be done. And it won't if we rest on Sunday. Why are we unwilling or unable to rest? For Christians Sunday fulfills the Sabbath. It is a weekly situation. I must worship on Sunday. At least once a week God has no rival.(Fr Schmitz "Catechism in a Year").
Kevin DeYoung ("The ten commandments: what they mean, why they matter...") asks if it is about keeping the Lord's Day (Sunday) or the Sabbath (Saturday).
The Sabbath principle was established earlier, even before the ten commandments on Mt Sinai. It was part of the earliest covenant God formed with the Israelites. Why a seven day week? Because that is how God wanted the description of Creation to be treated: God made it that way. The world still uses this seven day church calendar. The Sabbath became a sign of God's covenant. In the NEW Testament Jesus never breaks the Sabbath. He shows it to be a day for doing good. Kevin relates that Paul says we must not judge others on how they observe feast days or Sunday holy days. The bible says Christ rose on 'the ONE of the sabbath'. I found this part a little obscure. But he says that  very early in the church they speak of the Lord's Day. Justin Martyr in the fourth century said that the church met for worship on the first day, Sunday. Ignatius in the first century said the same. The day we keep we keep this commandment has changed , not the way. So Sunday is a day to worship and rest, nevertheless we, he says,we should find our spiritual rest in Christ every day of the week.
What is important is that one day a week should be set aside for worship. Kevin ( a presbyterian minister) says that too often we fit worship in on Sunday provided it is not too nice a day or there is no sport on. This makes me think about the Catholic edict that to miss Mass is a mortal sin!  It sounds like protestants can be laxer than us Catholics, a little luke warm even has been my experience!
Work hard on Saturday to prepare for the spiritual requirements of Sunday Kevin goes on to say. Trust Christ enough to rest. Forced scrupulosity is not needed.We need to prepare for Sunday. Nobody wants to be more busy. Sabbath in Hebrew means 'ceasing'. Even slaves were allowed to rest on the Sabbath. Think what blessings the Lord will give us in worship and rest on Sunday. God graciously gives his people rest. Come to me all you who labour and you will find rest. It's about trusting God.
Trent Horn (The Christian Life: 103:03) says the commandments are about either failing to give or taking something that is not ours . He says that God didn't really rest on the Sabbath. But He (God) knows we should have a day off! If we put God at the forefront of our lives, following the other commandments will be much easier.
Sunday is a protest against 24/7 work. Priests might observe Monday as the Sabbath because they work on Sundays. Sunday Eucharist is the heart of the church life. We are bound to attend Mass if able. Reason prevails. Nurses or caregivers may have to work. Pastors can dispense the obligation. God the creator of the universe only asks for one hour a week. How can we give Him an eternity if we can't give an hour. We must not choose the creature over the creator . You can go for a hike or play games with the family, for instance. John Paul II said rest must be of a holy nature. We must keep Sunday holy. 


  1. Well, that just wasted several minutes of my precious time.


  2. Maybe you should have waited until Sunday when you were reverently musing God's love for us.

    1. No doubt you’ve heard the expression ‘as long as a month of Sundays’.


  3. "We must keep Sunday holy."
    A drill would do the trick.


    1. A misspelling?
      Maybe you meant Gospel drivel.



  4. If you think it's hard to keep the Sabbath holy, imagine trying to keep a month of Sundays holy. It'd be a Herculean task, wouldn't it? So let's appreciate the one we have each week.

    1. Well, that certainly told me.

      I think I'll get a drill though.

    2. Some drill in the Catholic Catechism?

    3. I prefer to get my learning actively which means a hands-on approach. This way I can engage in the learning process by using critical thinking and real-world application. Empirical knowledge if you will. This is better than rote learning of nonsense which is how that godawful Catechism was forced on me at school.

    4. Those Marist Brothers have more than the usual to answer for then?

    5. And the nuns. The priests used to give me free rein.

  5. And free communion hosts.

