
Of Commandments

 Reading posts by two commenters, it is interesting how and why they both take umbrage at the 10 Commandments I have on my side bar. There is unanimous agreement, by them, that they could do better. Yet when they try, their attempts fizzle after three ideas. A surprising commonality is that God does exist but could have done  better! Here again they try to suggest how but fizzle once again after "no slavery" and " be nice." They quote one person saying God should tell us to be loving! Obviously they haven't read the Bible. One that made me chuckle was "no one should be forced to be religious"; and bad intentions are not sinful!

They skip over many important subtle aspects. Murder is wrong they agree, as it is especially wrong  to abuse children ; yet I know them to be pro-choice (for abortion). One shouldn't commit adultery, they agree,  but fornification is agreed by theologians to be in that basket and not mentioned by them either because they are obviously not against sex outside marriage!

If I bought a brand new expensive motor car and one of them said "throw away the manual, I've written a better one, but I only had three ideas to put in it"; I know what I would say.

I don't feel the need to justify or explain the Ten Commandments. Others more learned than I  have done this, and these  are freely available through the internet and on YouTube.


  1. Maybe you should read things properly and not just cherry-pick what you want to hear.


  2. But doesn't the fact that I can 'cherry-pick' absurdities from what you published prove you need to rethink?

    1. ‘Absurdities’ is your take which I disagree with. Stating something doesn’t make it right …. Oh, hold on, that’s the Catholic way isn’t it.


  3. No. The Catholic church is the only "way" to salvation.

  4. If you were a rocket scientist working at NASA and somebody asked you if it was possible to fly an aeroplane to the Moon, you would be remiss to not say no, and explain why he needs a rocket given today's technology.

    1. Right, so can I direct you back to the cartoon I used in my Ten Commandments post where the eleventh commandment says - 'Thou shalt not be stupid - just follow the science' ?

  5. Don't worry Rob. I've written a post to clear all this up. No thanks necessary.

  6. "I don't feel the need to justify or explain the Ten Commandments. Others more learned than I have done this".
    Yes but they haven't explained them very well (other than Cesar Sojo).

  7. "One shouldn't commit adultery, they agree, but fornification (sic) is agreed by theologians to be in that basket and not mentioned by them either because they are obviously not against sex outside marriage!"

    The Old Girl and I have been happily unmarried for over 36 yeras. Should I apologise to her and confess to one of your guys in dresses for all the sex we've had?

  8. "36 yeras" of not proofreading?


    1. You may have noticed that my Mac computer keyboard always spell 'years' as 'yeras'.
      I've gotten over it.

  9. 'always spells'


    1. Damned Mac.

    2. Actually, you wrote that comment on your iPad you dick!

      - iMac15,1

  10. Well, that will stop rhe water coming out.
    Oops, you said, "Damned."

    1. Best to leave the puns to The Curmudgeons Inc.
      It'll save you from embarrassment.
