
Thinking about" the 10 commandments"

Let's take a closer look at commandments in Exodus. I do not want to say THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! Because these are not advice for living well or tenets for everyone to get along okee-dory with everyone else. Really there are not necessarily only ten. They may not even be mutually exclusive as TC pointed out in his blog. They build on each other. "Don't steal" then later " look to be perfectly honest don't even think of stealing"!
They are not just a contract between God and us. They are much deeper. Think of the words bride and groom exchange at their wedding. The promises to serve and honour each other always. That is a covenant. In the book of Exodus God spells out a covenant.  He sets the scene by fencing of the mountain He will appear on. No one can approach for  fear of death. This is getting real serious. The all powerful God-head wants a covenant with you and me. Wow! Better be a bit careful though. Then he says that if  you want a covenant with him here are the rules. There follows what we call the ten commandments. But they are not numbered. These are an outline to be elaborated on in time. 
Well do you want this covenant with your creator and creator of the universe? Better follow his rules. In turn He will keep his promises. A covenant can not be broken. 

So let's take the first three...I am the Lord your God...don't take my name in vain...put aside Sundays to think of me. 
Nothing out of the ordinary here if you are going into a covenant with someone. I mean, there are a lot of high level spirits out there that look God like, there are even things in earth to distract...money, sex computer games. Obviously you are not going to make fun of his name and use it inappropriatey, and like mother's day or wedding anniversaries it doesn't hurt to put a day aside for Him.


  1. I think that you or god have been drinking too much Tennent's lager (which is quite a good Scottish beer). As per usual, when you are caught out in a lie you Christians employ the old weasel words and circular logic.

  2. Oh well it's not just a billion Catholics using circular logic we can now expand it to half the world's christian population. And yes it should be tenet thank you not Tennant's as I wrote originally.

  3. Where are the weasel words?A Contract is a legal agreement that can be changed. A covenant is a promise that is more difficult to undo if at all.
    WHERE is the circular reasoning? If I said that God wrote the bible because the bible says so... Sure! But I didn't say anything like that... Did I?

  4. Peter replies...

    1. You know what Rob, by all that is holy you are right!
      I take back what I said.

  5. Replies
    1. Of course not. That comment was written by an imposter.

    2. Well, pester seems more appropriate.


  6. Early morning fun for you boys.

