
Friday am

 A quiet week despite it being Guy Fawkes day on the 5th. Actually I didn't hear a single explosion on that day. Hopefully it is a sign that this ridiculous event is finally finished. 

I dropped my lawn mower in for a service yesterday. An aluminium bodied Briggs and Stratton. It always starts and runs well. Mainly I hit something and the blade needs readjusting or replacing.

I'm taking S to the hospital this morning for a routine check up.  I don't expect I'll need any counters to liberal arguments there. I'll just try to keep out of the way.

The air temperature is slowly creeping up. 20C today and 22C later next week. As we keep our air pump on 22C 24/7 this will mean some power savings for us. It will also mean flies. Though I have a terrarium ready packed with insect eating plants and the trusty electric fly zapper. 

It was mother's birthday yesterday. She'd be 102 now, presuming time still works the same in Heaven. RBB will no doubt say that she didn't want to go there if Mr Lynford was there. But that was really just her little joke. She is very witty. I still find myself saying things and words she invented.

Have fun but avoid sin.

Younger brother Rod at the refurbished Erskine Chapel.


  1. Let's get rid of abortions.


    1. DT - an argument for abortion if ever there was one.

