
The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.

 If you add today's date you get a significant number 9+11+24 =44.

This isn't Adam's joke answer of 42. But it is an angel number. Google says:

When you see this number, it's a message from your guardian angels and the divine realm to pay attention. It's a reminder to stay focused, continue your hard work, and build a strong foundation for your future endeavours

Today it is no accident that I happened to add up these numbers. My guardian angel is reminding me to stick with my convictions and to put Jesus/God first. Being Catholic this is much easier. I have all the graces and avenues that Jesus promised to help me along the road. There's Mary His mother, the Mass, the Eucharist, the sacrament of Penance... to name just a fraction. I feel sorry for poor Protestants who say "I don't want this, this and this" and finish up in an empty hall reading just some of the Bible! I find it ironic that they also insist on interpreting the Bible for themselves but finish up listening to how another has interpreted it. Hence you finish up with lots of groups like "The Assembly of God" founded in 1912 and based on just someone's reading of scripture. Then the authority becomes whatever pastor happens to be employed. I'd sooner have the Magisterium of Rome than some dude who felt he was called by the Holy Spirit. 
Then there is the amount of money such leaders expect. I know members of that group who give as much as I pay in tax. The Catholic church never asks for a penny. It's just never mentioned. We give what we can reasonably afford. 

All is quiet from the 47th Pdus (that's MI5 speak for D. Trump (another might still be "Mogul")). Europe is nervously biting its finger nails hoping that the States don't become isolationist again. Putin will be trying to cosy up to him. 
I hear Russia though, is using gas in the Frontline to drive the Ukrainians out of their trenches. The last time they did that in the Middle East the 47th Pdus used Cruise missiles to take out Syria's military assets, to Russia's surprise. Trump can lean in any direction, especially if his reputation as a tough guy looks threatened.

Time for breakfast... be good and don't sin.


  1. Sorry, Peter would have commented by now but he's getting ready for the rugby.

    1. No, it was just too facile to bother commenting on.


  2. To cheer you up, I don't think I've sinned yet this morning.

    1. I think you've run out of sins. Time to try some graces.

  3. I called your post facile Robert. Actually it's dangerous. Berating people of essentially the same faith as you - Christians - because they worship a slightly different form of Christianity (actually you are all nuts) is divisive. What next? At your church services all Catholic people wearing blue have to sit on the right and all Catholic people wearing red have to sit on the left (the stupid Americans got this arse about face in the way they fuck up everything)?

    Your dangerous distinction between Catholics and non-Catholics in terms of righteousness and worth is what has led (apart from the obvious political divides) to the 'Troubles' in Ireland, the massacres in Europe, the murderous and villainous Crusades of the Middle Ages, vicious colonisation (an excuse for) and much, much more and worse.

    I think it's time for you to get real.

  4. Boy I didn't know I'm responsible for all that!

    1. Be careful of what you wish for.


  5. Looks like TC is back in the kitchen!

    1. No, Robert's settings make it difficult to comment under a Google account.

  6. I guess it's better than the dog house.

  7. TC makes a lot of sense.

