I've been thinking about how to give Scriptural references to prove the validity of Catholism. TC says christians should all get along. There is a splash of truth to this but what if some christians interpret the Bible wrongly and leave to form their own group. There comes a point where Catholics say good luck but we are not following you down that rabbit warren.
I was pleased to stumble across a video by an ex protestant, Dr John Bergsma who is now Catholic, who turns their professency with quoting scripture back on them.
Here is the
link to the entire video.
I have summarized it below.
1 Timothy 3:15
St Paul identifies the Church as" the pillar and bullwork of the truth".
No protestant would say this. A protestant would say instead that the bible is! A bullwork is a defense. If you want the truth go to a Church. There can only be one Church therefore. If there were many then how would we know which one tells the truth. To protestants, the Church is invisible and known only to God. This is Catholic ecliasology. Catholic teaching.
2. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 "Hold fast to your traditions ..Greek ( protestants replace it erroneously with "teachings") that were taught to us by word of mouth or by letter".
The bible is not enough then. That is why Catholics include Tradition.
3 .2 Peter 1:20 ":no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation."
Protestants interpret the Bible themselves. Every interpretation is by individual protestants. Every protestant is his own arbiter of the truth, their own pope. Catholics have a chain of leadership starting with the apostles and proceeding down through their descendents.
4. John 20:23 Jesus breathed in them and said receive the Holy Spirit, whoevers sin you forgive..."
Protestants twist this ( isogessis) and say it means teach. After the apostles preach the sins are forgiven. But this is adding to the original text. Catholics use exogessus and extract the truth. In the old testament people went to the priest for the forgiveness of sin. With an appropriate animal sacrifice. Likewise in the new testament it is a priestly function.
5. Rev 12, 1 and 2 and 5.
This woman is clothed with the sun and moon at her feet, she's in heaven...wearing a crown.. brings forth a child....Jesus. A heavenly queen who gives birth to Jesus! She struggles against a red dragon (Satan). So this describes Mary, the Blessed Mother. This is not symbolic. These are real individuals. Satan, Jesus and Mary.
6 2 kings ch 13...on relics.
Man touches bones of Elija and is healed. So the practice of relics in the Catholic church is justified.
7 John 6:53
"Unless you eat the flesh of the son of man you will have no life in you". This is not a metaphor nor the way the first readers interpreted it They took it at face value in AD 90s. John knew how his readers would interpret it.