Trent Horn says that these cover coveting. Adultery stems from adulterous desire. So these two are connected to previous commandments. One covers not coveting people and the last about goods and things and relates to not stealing.
It is alright to desire good things, but not that which belongs to others. There is a struggle in man between body and spirit, meaning that there is a battle for purity. Modesty about ones possessions is important. Keep hidden those things we have that do not need to be revealed. Nevertheless these last two commandments are the hardest of all. Only prayer can help. (Here Trent speaks at length about praying)... prayer comes from the "heart". Prayer is pretty universal. People seek outwards through prayer. Jesus is the perfect mediator being God and man.Moses didn't see God but still had an intimate relationship with God. The psalms are an example of the many forms prayer can take...praise or petition. Jesus learnt to pray both from God and his parents. Jesus prayed for all people particularly believers. We pray to Saints to ask them to intercede in how behalf...
(Here I changed the record to Kevin De Young as I wanted to stay on the subject matter of the commandments).
Kevin De Young says.... We must not covet our neighbours house or wife. " It's not fair to say "look how beautiful his wife is... How big his house is".
We often notice how better off people are than us. We don't say thanks God for the different gifts you give others . Coveting is not just desire. Or having feelings. Desires can be good. Budhism blames desire for the human predicament. Christianity blames wrong desires.
Why is coveting so serious. Because it is a longing that someone's else's stuff is your stuff! Coveting fails to love your neighbour as yourself. Coveting is not just saying "I want something", it is saying " I want what he has". Coveting shows discontent. "God owes us more!".
The first commandment is to put God first. In the last commandment we are looking around at alternatives to God. It is the summation of the first nine which almost sound possible. No honest person can say they have lived life free of coveting though. Surprisingly, no other ancient tradition has such a rule dealing with internal thoughts.
Coveting comes in four ways says De Young.
1. You are coveting if you hurt others to get more for yourself. Do you do anything needed to get ahead? Neglect. Are you cut throat?
2. Do you want to accumulate more? Cheat, lie and steal to get to the top.
3. Are you unwilling to give up what you have and let some of the blessings of prosperity slip through your fingers to help others.
4. Do you grumble about your house. The next one will be better! The next house will be more... If only I had....(No I'm sure Kevin wasn't thinking about TC).
Coveting is about gain. Be content with what you have. If you want anything other than God you are an idolator. God knows what we need.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. Come to me all who hunger and thirst. Remember that God is with us right now. God is the one who is closer than a brother, who will never leave us nor forsake us.