
If you do not follow the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed...St Paul

Catholics need to stand up and say no to watering down their faith by attending joint church celebrations or attending gatherings with other religions. There is only one way to salvation and that is through the Holy Roman Catholic Church that the second person of the Trinity Jesus established nearly 2000 years ago. The 'Good News' loses its meaning unless we adhere strictly to the true teachings of Jesus as interpreted by the magisterium. Where is the good news if everyone is judged by their conscience? If one must state the exception of those that have never heard of or read the Bible, well here it is but it is not the rule. Few fall into this category today. Most have made a conscious choice. Have heard the good news and said yes or no to it. The good news is salvation, the avoidance of eternal damnation. Eternal damnation is the fate of all those who do not accept Jesus as Christ and repent and follow Him.
Baptism is a wonderful gift. It cancels all sin and inputs grace. Through it we are welcomed into the kingdom of God. Brought inside and removed from the relentless throng ambling to hell. Yet how many are grateful? How many say "no thanks I'm with that lot distined to perdition, they have more fun". Still how many others are baptized and fined themselves in protestant denominations where they have an uphill battle against misinformation and apostasy. 
Ybarra says...
"For St. Paul, those who do not receive the Gospel with repentance, faith, and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ are perishing. That seems to be pretty all embracing by a straight forward reading without any speculative agendas being imported from the wisdom of man. Was St. Paul not “in line” with the instincts of the Gospel? Perish the thought!

Or how about when St. Paul, in writing to his own beloved Gentiles, described the status of their life on earth before being baptized into Christ with the following hopeless description:

Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh—who are called uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision made in the flesh by hands—  that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the worldBut now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Eph 2:11-13)"..."  Ybarra's blog post

Happy Labour day

Will I see you at the parade or picnic? When labour day began in the 1890s the procession was a big thing


Government employees were the first to get the 8 hour day. It spread to some private enterprise but like today there are many working longer days. 

Even in the 1970s health and safety was appalling as in this short National Film unit black and white The dustmen


Lets spare a thought for all our workers today.

Pray for the souls in Purgatory

 As soon as we die we are judged. This will be totally fair and we will feel no need to have input because every event of our life will be shown to us. We can no longer pray nor ask for assistance. If we have prayed in our life on earth to The Blessed Mother she may ask her Son to be lenient. 

None of us can really expect to go straight to heaven. Even saintly people often need purification first. That's where purgatory comes in. It's important to pray for these souls as they can no longer pray for themselves. We owe a debt especially to parents to petition God to be lenient to them. 

Some people invent their own religions saying things like "A loving God wouldn't send anyone to hell". Of course this is delusion and makes not one iota of difference to the reality of the judgement we must all face. 

It is told that Catherine of Sienna did a bargain with God that her dying father might go straight to heaven if she took on the suffering that justice demanded of him in purgatory. God relented and agreed. It is said she suffered terribly from an unidentified malady for the rest of her life, but she didn't mind knowing her father was in paradise!

Around the world

The number of major seminarians worldwide fell from 109,895 at the end of 2021 to 108,481 at the end of 2022, according to statistics published by the Fides news agency (CWN coverage). Between the end of 2020 and the end of 2021, the number of seminarians worldwide had declined from 111,855 to...

The number of baptisms administered in the Church worldwide plunged from over 16 million in 2016 to 13,327,037 in 2022—a decline of 17% over six years, according to the appendix to statistics published by the Fides news agency (CWN coverage). There were 18.1 million baptisms in 1991,...

Editor's Note: Pope Francis has sent an Italian-language message to a sports newspaper, Corriere dello Sport, as it marks its 100th anniversary.

The Pope recalled his youth, spoke of the value of sports, and paid tribute to athletic contests as a “hymn to life.” He also sounded a serious note:

The competition of sport is healthy, because it requires patience, listening to the coach, respect for opponents, for the rules and for the referees, coordination with teammates: in the world instead the aim is often to destroy the opponent, to make the rules ourselves, to reject those who want to moderate the confrontation between the parties according to international law.



Russians accused of crimes offered choice - go to war instead of court

A former Olympic athlete has been told if he fights in Ukraine a criminal case against him will be frozen.


Ex-British soldier fined $12,000 for praying silently outside an abortion clinic.

A British army veteran and Christian has been found guilty of praying silently outside of an abortion clinic, with the pro-life advocate facing a near-$12,000 fine over the verdict.

The Bournemouth Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday found Adam Smith-Connor guilty of silent prayer stemming from a demonstration he conducted in Bournemouth in 2022.

The court “sentenced Smith-Connor to a conditional discharge and ordered him to pay prosecution costs of £9,000” (about $11,700), Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) International

Oh my God, I just talked to the Queen

An Australian says "you can't get any better than that" after meeting King Charles and Queen Camilla in Sydney.

In "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn he says that "We are part of God's family. Ruling the universe is the family business".

Wednesday Blog

Nothing to report. Peter is all go packing up. RBB has two grandchildren now. 

Peter's been talking about books so ...

I've started listening to a novel about the Roman/Carthage war "Ship of Rome"(John Stack). I downloaded Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer to listen to sometime as well. It's interesting to listen to the classics sometimes. They can be either long winded and boring, or surprisingly interesting. I've also downloaded John Stack's "Captain of Rome" in readiness. The sound files are about 500 MB so it's better to get them at home using the Wifi instead of using up all my data allocation.

So far "Ship of Rome" has been really good. All action and no silly love interest bits! 

I got interested in Ancient Rome after listening to an episode of Jimmy Akins Mysterious world about Pontius Pilate  HERE. Pontius was his surname and Pilate a nickname probably referring to him being really good at throwing Javelins. He hasn't a first name. Bit like Testore Roberto Catholic Curmudgeon.

Have fun but don't sin.

Prove it!

Generally proof is required when contradicting an accepted belief. Atheism is not the status quo and never has been. I don't know of any civilization that has not had it's God/Gods. Up until relatively recently religion has been an integral part of society. It would be unusual to find a composer before the 19th or even 20th century who didn't write a Mass for instance! Musical theory itself originated because church chants became increasingly multivoice  and complex as the singing of the liturgy evolved. 
That there has been a downturn in church attendance at the end of last century ties in with a prediction by Anne Catherine Emmerich that Satan would be unchained 50-60 years before the year 2000. Even he hasn't worked to do away with God, rather he has strived to replace God. Think of the big movement now happening in France where thousands are in procession following an entity drawing them to the underworld!
The requirement is not for proof of God. Christians are required to witness. This is partly because proof is so intertwined with our senses. "I want to touch...or see". The spiritual realm is outside our everyday perception. God wants us to have Faith. To believe and trust. 
Wouldn't you in his position?

Falicies Atheists use

Trent Horn's latest video here covers arguments atheists might use. It has made me think. Theirs erroneously starts with "we are right, proves us wrong". Then no matter how much proof is provided they will contradict almost in a Monty Python way "No it isn't". It comes from what I believe is a belief system with no belief, a view of reality that avoids truth at all costs. 
Trent introduces "the infallible rules of faith" test. He says Catholics have three infallible rules and protestants one. It is like atheists have none. There is no infallible rule to denying the existence of God. Atheists are confused. "I believe in other Gods" is one I hear.  But this is always said in jest. There is no attempt to attend the temple of Zeus or pray to Athenia. It's simply fog. They are like naughty children that do not obey their mother on the footpath. They can never leave her gaze or protection but tell her to go away and try to run off! We are never out of God's view or his protective pressence. But how often do we stop and think about this?

The last two commandments

Trent Horn says that these cover coveting. Adultery stems from adulterous desire. So these two are connected to previous commandments.  One covers not coveting people and the last about goods and things and relates to not stealing.
It is alright to desire good things, but not that which belongs to others. There is a struggle in man between body and spirit, meaning that there  is a battle for purity. Modesty about ones possessions is important. Keep hidden those things we have that do not need to be revealed. Nevertheless these last two commandments are the hardest of all. Only prayer can help. (Here Trent speaks at length about praying)... prayer comes from the "heart". Prayer is pretty universal.  People seek outwards through prayer. Jesus is the perfect mediator being God and man.Moses didn't see God but still had an intimate relationship with God. The psalms are an example of the many forms prayer can take...praise or petition. Jesus learnt to pray both from God and his parents. Jesus prayed for all people particularly believers. We pray to Saints to ask them to intercede in how behalf...
(Here I changed the record to Kevin De Young as I wanted to stay on the subject matter of the commandments). 

Kevin De Young says.... We must not covet our neighbours house or wife. " It's not fair to say "look how beautiful his wife is... How big his house is".
We often notice how better off people are than us. We don't say thanks God for the different gifts you give others . Coveting is not just desire. Or having feelings. Desires can be good. Budhism blames desire for the human predicament. Christianity blames wrong desires. 
Why is coveting so serious. Because it is a longing that someone's else's stuff is your stuff! Coveting fails to love your neighbour as yourself. Coveting is not just saying "I want something", it is saying " I want what he has". Coveting shows discontent. "God owes us more!".
The first commandment is to put God first. In the last commandment we are looking around at alternatives to God. It is the summation of the first nine which almost sound possible. No honest person can say they have lived life free of coveting though. Surprisingly, no other ancient tradition has such a rule dealing with internal thoughts.
Coveting comes in four ways says De Young.
1. You are coveting if you hurt others to get more for yourself. Do you do anything needed to get ahead? Neglect. Are you cut throat?
2. Do you want to accumulate more? Cheat, lie and steal to get to the top.
3. Are you unwilling to give up what you have and let some of the blessings of prosperity slip through your fingers to help others. 
4. Do you grumble about your house. The next one will be better! The next house will be more... If only I had....(No I'm sure Kevin wasn't thinking about TC).
Coveting is about gain. Be content with what you have. If you want anything other than God you are an idolator. God knows what we need. 
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. Come to me all who hunger and thirst. Remember that God is with us right now. God is the one who is closer than a brother, who will never leave us nor forsake us. 

One God

 I believe in One God, 

The father almighty

And His Son Jesus Christ...


By definition there has to be a supreme being. All myths that try pluralism have to keep continually regressing until ...
Sure the Christian Trinity is hard, if not impossible, to get our limited intellects around. But there are many things we can't understand. The Universe is one. We've only known for a century that there are other galaxies beyond our own. We still do not know why or how they exist. 
Another thing we struggle with is justice. We are imperfect creatures looking up at a perfect God. In a perfect system there has to be balance.  A system where different rules apply to different individuals would not be just. Just look at the terrible tortures Jesus had to endure to balance the account of sin. It almost reads like Jesus the man didn't understand why he had to suffer and die. He says, as man, to the Father "Take this cup away "...but then as God"... Your will be done Abba".  For about 24 hours he endured the most horrendous abuse that is possible. Before, in the garden, he was so afraid he sweated blood, terror siezed him. After the arrest they beat Him all the way to the trial. Then they flayed Him literally ripping the skin of Him with an assortment of whips. The crown of thorns was more of a helmet of thorns. The beatings and abuse never stopped until after his final agony on the cross, the cruellest torture the Roman's could think off. He endured all this so that we might have a way out of the trap of sin and be acceptable to the Father. He balanced the account. Are we grateful?

Have fun but do not sin.

don't steal

"80 per cent of us think that we are safe on this one. Ok it forbids outright theft of others property. But also includes taking people, slavery. Cheating and swindling others. Inaccurate measures were common. False advertising. The empty promises of casinos. Excessive interest. Getting rich at another's expense. Not paying taxes. Misusing social welfare. Plagerism!
We must think of our neighbours as we would like them to think of us. A spirit of generosity is required. The early church was not a commune. People shared private property. Everytime I give I prove that money does not control me. Where your treasure goes so to does your heart. When you give to charity and the church your heart goes there. Jesus does not say "shame on you for wanting possessions". He gets it. He is telling us how to really be happy . Store your treasure in heaven. Our desires are not bad, but we must not be fools. Jesus says you will get the Holy Spirit as a down payment! Jesus died between two thieves. But he gave the repentent one true treasure of eternal happiness in heaven...." Kevin De Young.

No adultery

Woman and man were made for each other. They are complimentary. God designed marriage to create children. Marriage is a convenant between two people that produces off spring.. Two men and two women together can not fulfill this mandate. Let no one be faithless to the wife of his youth...Malachi.  The sexual act seals the covenant. The aim of children can not always be achieved but Marriage is orientated to raising children. The relationship between Christ and the church is a paradigm of marriage. The husband (Christ) cherishes and the wife ( church) who submits. This then is about safe- guarding marriage. Pornaya is illicit sex (think pornography). Jesus knew that this commandment covers a multitude of sins. The New Testament includes homosexuality in this commandment. Jesus adds lust, coveting or longing for. Thinking someone is pretty is not what is meant. Hardly anyone escapes Jesus' words.
The tempted, the wayward and the broken hearted... 
1. To the tempted. Do you think you deserve sexual indulgence? God will not let you be tempted beyond your ability. The Lord is good to him who waits for him. Let's not wander down the path to the forbidden woman or man. Her speech is smoother than oil but in the end she is as bitter as wormwood!(Proverbs ch5 vs 3-4).
He who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her, the two become one flesh (think soul ties ..editor). He who is joined to the Lord becomes one Spirit with Him, free from sexual immorality. Your body is a temple ...1 Cor 6 15-20. Put to death what is earthly. God opposes the proud. Humble yourselfs before the Lord and He will excult you. The will of God is that you abstain from sexual immorality. God calls us to be holy. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. The promise for the pure is nothing less than God Himself!

Do not kill

Here are some notes from Trent Horn and Kevin De Young on wot they says about the fifth commandment (the link requires a donation to get the PW and is for my benefit mostly).

1. Trent Horn. Catholic apologist.
Everyone agrees that it is wrong to kill for no good reason. The disagreement comes when we ask  who counts as a person; and consider what special circumstances could justify killing. Jesus implied a "spirit" of the law . He expanded it to being even angry with someone, as He did with "adultery in the heart". To harbour intense anger is a sin! Hatred, jealously and envy can be murder in the heart! This commandment refers not to killing so much, but murder. We are allowed to love ourselves and protect ourselves with lethal force. Here Trent discussed in detail 'double effect'. Killing a burglar has a good and bad effect, he says. The bad effect of his death was forseen but not intended. The good effect is me being alive. But that doesn't come from him dying. The intention is to incapacitate, but death maybe an  unfortunate consequence. The good effect must be justified. Killing someone for stealing your "doghouse" is not justified. The justice system recognises differing degrees of murder. (Even unintentional killing, manslaughter, has degrees of culpability...editor). Trent then, not unexpectedly, discussed abortion in detail.
The church says that human beings must be respected from conception. Abortion is gravely wrong and can never be justified. We don't put to death rapists but we often kill the unborn child! Just being older and bigger does not give you the right to kill someone smaller, younger and more dependant like a child in the womb! This commandment also covers doing harm to the body. Euphanaisa is moraly unacceptable. But all human life is valuable. We must suffer alongside the terminally ill. Passive euthanasia is wrong too. We must always provide the basic necessities of life. If at the end of life a person is unable to eat, we do not have to force feed though. Doctors may kill the pain, not the patient. We do not have a right to die. We have a right to life. We forcibly stop suicide. We can discontinue burdinsome medical procedures that are disproportionate or dangerous or painful. Likewise we can use pain killers even if death is a possible consequence.
In the case of the mentally ill, they are not always culpable; so of those commiting suicide, most of whom suffer mental illness, these may go still go to heaven, according to the Church.
The church does permit cremation, but there is a preference for burial. Nevertheless the ashes MUST be buried. We must not deny a resurrection of the body which scattering them, or burying under a tree may do.
As to war, the consequences for not doing it, must be lasting and grave to justify it. Civilians must never be targeted (sorry Bomber Harris... editor.). And weapons of an indiscrimant nature like nucleur devices are not permitted (Sorry Truman ...editor.).

2. Kevin De Young
What does thePresbyterian minister Kevin say?
Kevin De Young says that in Hebrew we are told simply "no murder" which is a literal translation. Everyone agrees murder is wrong. Jesus didn't tell the centurion to stop being a soldier. So Just Wars and capital punishment are not prohibited. The old testament and the commandments were wise to consider the reasons behind killing. Carelessness was not tolerated. Suicide is prohibited. In most cases suicide is morally culpable. It occurs six times in the bible." It is always wrong though, a sinful choice. This is the truth." Said a mother who lost five children this way. Abortion is prohibited. In the old testament there was an eye for eye for killing a mother's unborn child. Life begins at conception. Body and soul have an organic union from conception says Kevin. There are many ethical problems with euphanasia. To choose to end treatment is not the same as ending life. In the Netherlands pressure is put on people to use assisted suicide. Everyone is precious though. Dependant or not. All life matters to God. Jesus deepened the commandment. We can still face the wrath of God if we are angry and bitter. We must eliminate it in ourselves and others. Praying for and loving others does not allow it. We must be patient, peace lovers. You will not get out until you have paid the last penny says Jesus indicating the need to firgive. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus takes the cup of bitterness. "He was murdered for angry sinners like ourselves".

I think the two above theologians cover the subject matter well, and, for all intents and purposes, excepting research findings for suicide,  are  in agreement.

Honour your mother and father

The family predates any political institution. The family is said to be primordial. The state does not define the family. The family constitutes a "domestic church" in all its forms.
 This applies to single parents and step children. This domestic church must be based on prayer and devotion to God. The church will grow through friendships and family. This means it will be imperfect, but can spread the good news of Jesus. The family is the school of love.
 Society should honour and help the family. The family should help the old and sick as well as children, it teaches care. In the family one learns moral responsibilies. We learn how to love well in the family. Society must not violate the principle of subsidiarity; it must not step in and take over unnecessarily. Society can not tell the family how to function. The family must have the right to religious worship for instance. Familys are made up of persons who must be treated with dignity Everyone around us is a someone.
 Each has an origin and an eternal soul and a plan of salvation. 
There is a duty of gratitude for children young or grown. "Whoever angers his mother is cursed by the Lord". All fatherhood grows from God's fatherhood. Respect for parents derives from gratitude. We  are all imperfect but should acknowledge where our parents went right. Life is really hard. But there is still much to be grateful to. We owe our parents obedience while living at home. Even after children should
 respect their parents wishes and just admonitions. The 'school of love' does not end when we leave home. Respect must continue. Parents are always owed respect and help in their old age. In turn parents must provide disinterested service. No strings. The home is suited for teaching virtues. Children are called to leave, some might claim for freedom. But freedom has its roots in the family.  The preconditions for all true freedom are: an apprenticeship in self denial, sound judgement and self mastery. (Fr Schmidt "Catechism in a year").

And now ....

keep Sunday holy

Today we move on to "keep the Sabbath holy".
Jesus said that man is not made for the Sabbath. In the Hebrew account of creation God is said to have rested on the seventh day. We do like-wise and honour God at the same time. Christianity moved the day forward to the beginning of the week to sync it with the resurrection. 
Why do we buck against this commandment? We are not slaves. It is a day to rest and let others be refreshed. We are happy to work for and worship money. It has become an idol. On this day we stop worshipping money. We think stuff needs to be done. And it won't if we rest on Sunday. Why are we unwilling or unable to rest? For Christians Sunday fulfills the Sabbath. It is a weekly situation. I must worship on Sunday. At least once a week God has no rival.(Fr Schmitz "Catechism in a Year").
Kevin DeYoung ("The ten commandments: what they mean, why they matter...") asks if it is about keeping the Lord's Day (Sunday) or the Sabbath (Saturday).
The Sabbath principle was established earlier, even before the ten commandments on Mt Sinai. It was part of the earliest covenant God formed with the Israelites. Why a seven day week? Because that is how God wanted the description of Creation to be treated: God made it that way. The world still uses this seven day church calendar. The Sabbath became a sign of God's covenant. In the NEW Testament Jesus never breaks the Sabbath. He shows it to be a day for doing good. Kevin relates that Paul says we must not judge others on how they observe feast days or Sunday holy days. The bible says Christ rose on 'the ONE of the sabbath'. I found this part a little obscure. But he says that  very early in the church they speak of the Lord's Day. Justin Martyr in the fourth century said that the church met for worship on the first day, Sunday. Ignatius in the first century said the same. The day we keep we keep this commandment has changed , not the way. So Sunday is a day to worship and rest, nevertheless we, he says,we should find our spiritual rest in Christ every day of the week.
What is important is that one day a week should be set aside for worship. Kevin ( a presbyterian minister) says that too often we fit worship in on Sunday provided it is not too nice a day or there is no sport on. This makes me think about the Catholic edict that to miss Mass is a mortal sin!  It sounds like protestants can be laxer than us Catholics, a little luke warm even has been my experience!
Work hard on Saturday to prepare for the spiritual requirements of Sunday Kevin goes on to say. Trust Christ enough to rest. Forced scrupulosity is not needed.We need to prepare for Sunday. Nobody wants to be more busy. Sabbath in Hebrew means 'ceasing'. Even slaves were allowed to rest on the Sabbath. Think what blessings the Lord will give us in worship and rest on Sunday. God graciously gives his people rest. Come to me all you who labour and you will find rest. It's about trusting God.
Trent Horn (The Christian Life: 103:03) says the commandments are about either failing to give or taking something that is not ours . He says that God didn't really rest on the Sabbath. But He (God) knows we should have a day off! If we put God at the forefront of our lives, following the other commandments will be much easier.
Sunday is a protest against 24/7 work. Priests might observe Monday as the Sabbath because they work on Sundays. Sunday Eucharist is the heart of the church life. We are bound to attend Mass if able. Reason prevails. Nurses or caregivers may have to work. Pastors can dispense the obligation. God the creator of the universe only asks for one hour a week. How can we give Him an eternity if we can't give an hour. We must not choose the creature over the creator . You can go for a hike or play games with the family, for instance. John Paul II said rest must be of a holy nature. We must keep Sunday holy. 

You shall not take the name of your Lord God in vain.

This  one is easy to skip over. Yet there is nothing so serious as misusing someone's name. Just look at how incensed RBB was when I innocently adopted Testero! We invoke the owner of the name when we call. Romeo and Juliet was all about surnames. Scripture says "at the name of Jesus every knee shall bend". When we use the name of God to back us up like in court it gets very serious."I swear by God I am innocent your honour". 
OMG is too common by far. Like Jeez or Crikey. A more serious one for Christians is to make claims about what God says or does. "God told me to..."  Or "the bible says God says..." Or "the bible tells us to give money to...for...".

More thinking about the ten commandments (decalogue).

God makes his will known to each person using 'you' ,which can be singular or plural, referring to the whole nation as well. He uses the pronoun "I". It is God Himself talking to me ( or you)! Through the decalogue God prepares us to become his friends and to live in harmony with others. Far from being abolished with the coming of Christ, they have been amplified. They can be summed up by love 'God and then love others'. In the bible there are two accounts of the decalogue. First in Exodus and then in Deuteronomy, when Moses is recalling what happened. That could be why the Catholic and protestant versions differ slightly. Jesus affirms the old covenant. He does not do away with them but amplifies them "even a man that looks at a woman lustfully is guilty of adultery". These are the core commandments in the bible. They build on the Exodus and were given just three new moons after it (3 months). As the Exodus was the release of the Israelites from slavery so to the decalogue releases us from sin. Most importantly they are part of the theophony. God revealing to us His glory! "The gift of the commandments is the gift of God Himself and His holy will"( Catechism). They reveal the heart of God. He cares. He cares what we do. You matter. It matters how we treat each  other. "I am yours and you are mine" God tells us in the commandments. He has given us his will so we can do His will in everything. (Source Fr Mike Schmitz).

Thinking about" the 10 commandments"

Let's take a closer look at commandments in Exodus. I do not want to say THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! Because these are not advice for living well or tenets for everyone to get along okee-dory with everyone else. Really there are not necessarily only ten. They may not even be mutually exclusive as TC pointed out in his blog. They build on each other. "Don't steal" then later " look to be perfectly honest don't even think of stealing"!
They are not just a contract between God and us. They are much deeper. Think of the words bride and groom exchange at their wedding. The promises to serve and honour each other always. That is a covenant. In the book of Exodus God spells out a covenant.  He sets the scene by fencing of the mountain He will appear on. No one can approach for  fear of death. This is getting real serious. The all powerful God-head wants a covenant with you and me. Wow! Better be a bit careful though. Then he says that if  you want a covenant with him here are the rules. There follows what we call the ten commandments. But they are not numbered. These are an outline to be elaborated on in time. 
Well do you want this covenant with your creator and creator of the universe? Better follow his rules. In turn He will keep his promises. A covenant can not be broken. 

So let's take the first three...I am the Lord your God...don't take my name in vain...put aside Sundays to think of me. 
Nothing out of the ordinary here if you are going into a covenant with someone. I mean, there are a lot of high level spirits out there that look God like, there are even things in earth to distract...money, sex computer games. Obviously you are not going to make fun of his name and use it inappropriatey, and like mother's day or wedding anniversaries it doesn't hurt to put a day aside for Him.

Of Commandments

 Reading posts by two commenters, it is interesting how and why they both take umbrage at the 10 Commandments I have on my side bar. There is unanimous agreement, by them, that they could do better. Yet when they try, their attempts fizzle after three ideas. A surprising commonality is that God does exist but could have done  better! Here again they try to suggest how but fizzle once again after "no slavery" and " be nice." They quote one person saying God should tell us to be loving! Obviously they haven't read the Bible. One that made me chuckle was "no one should be forced to be religious"; and bad intentions are not sinful!

They skip over many important subtle aspects. Murder is wrong they agree, as it is especially wrong  to abuse children ; yet I know them to be pro-choice (for abortion). One shouldn't commit adultery, they agree,  but fornification is agreed by theologians to be in that basket and not mentioned by them either because they are obviously not against sex outside marriage!

If I bought a brand new expensive motor car and one of them said "throw away the manual, I've written a better one, but I only had three ideas to put in it"; I know what I would say.

I don't feel the need to justify or explain the Ten Commandments. Others more learned than I  have done this, and these  are freely available through the internet and on YouTube.

live from dentist

A friend just told me a class mate Steve Hinds passed on to his reward.
S has a tooth ache and sore gums. Pray she gets through this visit, it's quite hard for her to go out!

Happy St Therese of the child Jesus day.

St Therese of Lisieux, as she was also known entered a cloistered nunnery at 15 and died at 25. Conditions must have been very harsh as so many saintly people died young. She was renowned for doing simple little things well. Though it can not be denied that she had extraordinary faith, and her deep spirituality was admired by all her fellow nuns.

Today's Gospel from the Gospel according to Luke
Lk 9:51-56

When the days for Jesus to be taken up were fulfilled,
he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem,
and he sent messengers ahead of him.
On the way they entered a Samaritan village
to prepare for his reception there,
but they would not welcome him
because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem.
When the disciples James and John saw this they asked,
“Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven
to consume them?”
Jesus turned and rebuked them,
and they journeyed to another village.


When the days drew near for him to be received up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem” (Lk 9:51). Thus he begins his “great journey” toward the Holy City which required a special decision because it was his last one. Filled with a still too worldly enthusiasm, the disciples dream that the Master is going to meet with triumph. Instead, Jesus knows that rejection and death await him in Jerusalem (cf. Lk 9:22, 43b-45); he knows he will have to suffer a great deal. This is what demands a resolute decision. And so, Jesus goes forward taking decisive steps toward Jerusalem. This is the same decision we must make if we want to be disciples of Jesus. What does this decision consist of? For we must be serious disciples of Jesus, truly decisive, not “lukewarm”, as an old woman I knew used to say. No! Decisive Christians. (…) Now let us ask ourselves: At what point are we? What point are we at? In the face of opposition, misunderstanding, do we turn to the Lord? Do we ask him for his steadfastness in doing good? Or do we rather seek confirmation through applause, ending up being bitter and resentful when we do not hear it? (…) Let us thus ask Jesus for the strength to be like him, to follow him resolutely down the path of service, not to be vindictive, not to be intolerant when difficulties present themselves, when we spend ourselves in doing good and others do not understand this, or even when they disqualify us. No, silence and onward. (Angelus, 26 June 2022)