
St Alban's or Alban's St?

When is St street not saint?
I have been receiving invoices for someone else, so being on holiday and having some spare time I forwarded an email to the customer care. They sent this reply.
Google maps accepted it and took me to the correct street ' Saint Hill Street". At first I thought 'right they are doing this just to avoid the word saint'. But then, after I cooled down, I realized the both words have the same abbreviation, and some AI or tired customer care person had got confused.



I get to see inside homes more often than most. Hoarding is more common than you might think. And they are often very intelligent people with well paying jobs. 
In my own home I have started using the 'pleasure' test. It might be possibly worth money, but if it gives us no joy, why have it on the shelf. Often we attribute a perceived value to items of decoration that is well outside the real market value. It might have a 'made in london' stamp on the bottom, but no one wants it. Antiques and china fall in this category.  We have a lot of 'antique' furniture which we have picked up off Trademe for less than $50. Unless you adopt an antique theme, as I have under the guidance of S, single items look out of place with modern more comfortable furniture.
Things are just so cheap to buy new. Yesterday I bought some soap dishes from the two dollar shop. They are nice enough with trays so the soap doesn't sit in the water. Fancy expensive ceramic soap dishes never have trays and you finish up with soggy bars of soap.


Rob had always known that the Virgin Mother of God was special. He had been taught that by the Marist sisters and brothers. Jesus had sent a message down through the millenniums from the cross, "Behold your mother". 

Mary, though the mother of Jesus, was a mother to all the Catholic church too. 
He looked to his right. He knew Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, was present in the tabernacle in the form of bread. He remembered seeing pictures of the 'host' bleeding. This was real. God was present.

Behind him in the foyer was a picture of the archbishop of Wellington.

Later that day he knew Trent Horn had a special event. 10.15 NZ time he would speak live from the USA.  This was by invitation only. Rob had his link and password ready.

Like all false Christs, Richus had come and gone. No miracles, no special insights, just a claim to have ascended to heaven body and soul. Of course Rob knew that he was really his older brother wearing a towel and comb under his nose. A bit of fun. No harm. 

Our Lady of Fatima

 On July 13th 1917 The Virgin Mary appeared to three children. She promised a miracle on the 13th Oct of that year at 'noon'. At least 40,000 people gathered to watch the miracle at 2pm (Portugal had changed its time to coincide with its soldiers in France). It was well documented.

Though not observed around the world it was seen within about a 10 mile radius of the locality. Attempts to explain it by weather conditions have been shown to be too improbable. It was said to be like a huge lens that had been placed between the observers and the sun. Nobody's eyes were damaged!

It is interesting  that she showed the children hell; and predicted the great threat that Russia presented.

I will not be seeing much of the sun today as rain and wind are forecast this morning. I cut the lawns and water blasted around the front section yesterday. Later I'll clean the Presbyterian church as I am doing some of K's cleans tomorrow. He is very excited about the 'do' tomorrow night and wants time to get ready. 


Guadalupe and Marian apparitions.

Last evening I watched Fr Robert talking about Marian apparitions. Below is a summary of a lot of what he said that I found from another source. It aligns with the video where Fr Robert goes into greater detail.

The apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary was on December 12 1531. She appeared to Juan Diego (and Juan Bernardino) on Tepeyac Hill, Mexico City. Mary 'imprinted' this image on his tilma.

1. There is no under-sketch or under-drawing on the image.

Infrared photography has demonstrated that there is no sketching on the image whatsoever. Dr. Philip Callahan, a research biophysicist from the University of Florida explains: "It is inconceivable that an artist in the 16th Century would paint a portrait without first doing a drawing on it." Making an under-sketch prior to painting a portrait goes back to antiquity. Such an exquisite depiction on textile made from cactus fiber is inexplicable given the lack of sketching.


2. The image has lasted and shows no signs of deterioration.

Juan Diego's tilma is made of a rough cactus fiber which normally disintegrates in 15 to 30 years. Yet, the image of Guadalupe has remained intact for 491 years without fading or cracking. Moreover, it was subjected to candle smoke for many years, which should have accelerated the process of deterioration.

In 1778, a worker accidentally spilled strong nitric acid onto a large portion of the image. To everyone's astonishment, only slight stains appeared which can still be seen in the upper right side. Additionally, in 1921 a bomb concealed in some flowers was placed on the altar directly under the image. When the bomb detonated, the marble altar rail and windows 150 feet away were shattered, a brass crucifix was twisted out of shape, but the image was left unharmed.


3. The stars that appear on the image are astronomically correct.

In 1983 Dr. Juan Homero Hernandez and Fr. Mario Rojas Sánchez discovered that the stars on the image correspond precisely to the constellations of the winter sky on December 12th, 1531. Incredibly, the constellations are shown as viewed from outside the heavens, in other words in reverse. It is as if we have a picture from someone looking at it from outside the universe, it is a snapshot of heaven and earth from the very moment that Juan Diego saw Our Lady.

Also, the constellation Virgo, representing virginal purity, appears over the area of Mary's heart signifying her immaculate and virginal purity, and the constellation Leo the lion is over her womb. The lion represents Jesus Christ, because Christ is the lion of the tribe of Judah. This emphasizes that Christ the King is present in Mary's womb. The perfect placement of stars in their various constellations illustrates the infinite intelligence behind the miraculous image.


4. Mary's eyes are astonishingly life like.

Of all the characteristics of the image, this is perhaps the most astounding. The microscopic likeness of a bearded man was discovered in the pupils of the Virgin; first in 1929, and again in 1951. The bearded man corresponds to contemporaneous pictures of Juan Diego. No human painter could have foreseen putting infinitesimally small images of Juan Diego in the eyes of the Virgin so that later advances in human technology could detect them. Furthermore, it is impossible for any human to have painted the images because they are simply too miniscule to produce.
Jose Aste Tonsmann, a Peruvian ophthalmologist, examined Mary's eyes at 2,500 times magnification. He was able to identify thirteen individuals in both eyes at different proportions, just as a human eye would reflect an image. It appeared to be the very moment Juan Diego unfurled the tilma before Bishop Zumárraga.

Dr. Jorge Escalante Padilla a surgical ophthalmologist considers these reflections to belong to the type which have been described by Cherney on the back surface of the cornea and by Watt & Hess at the center of the lens. Such reflections are very difficult to detect. Dr. Escalante also reported the discovery of small veins on both of the eyelids of the image. In the 1970s, a Japanese optician who was examining the eyes fainted. Upon recovering he stated: "The eyes were alive and looking at him." Incredibly, when Our Lady’s eyes are exposed to light, the pupils contract. When the light is withdrawn, they return to a dilated state.


5. Mary assumes a different ethnicity depending on one's vantage point.

It is remarkable that at one distance Our Lady appears to be a Native American, but at another distance she appears of European descent. This miraculous feature is meant to show the unity of the two peoples and the two cultures in light of the true faith of Christ. Mary implored the peoples of the New World to live as one.

Dr. Philip Callahan explains that the image achieves this effect of appearing to be different colors at different distances by a trait that is only seen in nature:
At a distance of six or seven feet the skin tone becomes what might best be termed Indian olive, grey green in tone, it appears somehow the grey and caked looking white pigment of the face and the hands combines with the rough surface of the un-sized hue, such a technique would be an impossible accomplishment in human hands, it often occurs in nature however, in the coloring of the bird feathers and butterfly scales and on the elytra of brightly colored beetles.
This change in color at different distances occurring in nature happens on the tilma in a miraculous way. The pigment combines with the rough surface of the cloth to impart alternating colorations. No human artist can duplicate this effect. Such evidence strongly suggests the image was fashioned by a divine hand.


6. The image is always 98.6°F; the temperature of the human body.

The sixth miraculous feature concerning the image is its temperature. It is a demonstrable fact that no matter what the surrounding temperature, season, or weather, the image remains at an even 36.5°C or 98.6°F, the normal temperature of the human body.

Also, Dr. Carlos Fernandez del Castillo, a Mexican gynecologist, after carefully examining the tilma and the image of the pregnant Madonna concluded that the dimensions of her body were that of an expectant mother at the end of gestation.


7. How the native Indian population interpreted the image of Our Lady.

The indigenous Indian population recognized in the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe specific signs that Christianity was superior to other belief systems, including their own.
The Indians saw something in the image of Our Lady that the Spaniards did not comprehend. In that period, the Indians did their writing in hieroglyphics, so to them the image was a hieroglyphic letter. The fact that the natives read the image is most important in understanding the purpose of Our Lady’s apparitions. To the Indians the image depicted a beautiful lady standing in front of the sun, a sign to them that she was greater than the sun god Huitzilopochtli whom they worshiped; the crescent or the moon beneath her feet showed that their moon god Tezcatlipoca was less than nothing since she was standing on it; the stars they thought so much of were only a part or portion of her mantle. At her throat was a brooch with a small black cross in the center reminding them that this was the emblem of the Spanish Friars and there was one greater than she.

The intelligence that constructed the image of Guadalupe conveyed exactly the message that the Indians needed to hear and to see to abandon their false notions of God and their idolatrous practices. It is infinitely insightful, well beyond anything humans could imagine. Reading the image caused millions of Indians to convert to the Catholic faith.


8. A 2007 miracle emphasizes Our Lady as the Patroness of the Unborn.

Among Our Lady of Guadalupe’s many designations, she is venerated as the patroness of the unborn. The image shows Mary as pregnant with Christ. She is an unmistakable witness to the sanctity of life and the protection of the unborn.

On April 24, 2007, an unusual luminosity in the famed image of Mary at the Shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico City immediately after that city legalized abortion became visible. According to one account: "At the end of the Mass, which was offered for aborted children... While many of the faithful were taking photographs of the tilma of Tepeyac, exposed and venerated in the Basilica... the image of the Virgin began to erase itself, to give place to an intense light which emanated from her abdomen, constituting a brilliant halo having the form of an embryo. Below, centered and enlarged, one can appreciate the location of the light which shone from the stomach of the Virgin and is not a reflection, or [otherwise] an artifact."

Engineer, Luis Girault, who studied the picture and confirmed the authenticity of the negative, was able to specify that it had not been modified or altered, i.e: by superimposition of another image. He determined that the image does not come from any reflection, but originates from inside Mary. The produced light is very white, pure and intense, different from habitual photographic lights produced by flashes. The light, encircled with a halo, appears to float inside Mary's abdomen. The halo has the form and measurements of an embryo. If we again examine the picture by making it turn in a sagittal plane, we perceive inside the halo some areas of shade that are characteristic of a human embryo in the maternal womb.


9. Our Lady of Guadalupe and the miraculous roses.

The Spanish rulers of the native population were brutal, and war between them seemed inevitable. In 1531, the archbishop of Mexico City, Juan de Zumárraga prayed to Our Lady for peace. As a sign that his petition would be granted, he asked to receive roses native to his home region of Castile, Spain.

Our Lady told Juan Diego to present Bishop Zumárraga her request that a church be built for her on the hill of Tepeyac (now part of Mexico City) where people could receive God's grace. Bishop Zumárraga was skeptical of Diego's account and asked that Our Lady produce a sign verifying her identity.

That afternoon, Mary instructed Juan Diego to return the next day (December 11th) and she would provide proof. That night, however, Diego's uncle became deathly ill, and Diego never returned. Early the morning of December 12th, Diego journeyed to Tlatleloco to find a priest so his uncle could confess his sins before dying. In doing so, he passed Tepeyac Hill. Afraid Mary would interrupt his errand, he went to the other side of the hill, but Our Lady came to meet him.

Mary assured Diego his uncle would recover. She told him to go to the top of the hill and gather the flowers there. Diego discovered, growing in the frozen earth, a miraculous garden of castilian roses not native to Mexico. Diego brought them to Mary, who arranged them in his tilma, with instructions that he take them to the bishop. Before Bishop Zumárraga, Juan Diego opened his cloak. The roses fell to the floor revealing the image of Mary. The Bishop's prayers had been answered.


10. Mary’s conversion of millions counteracted Luther’s Reformation.

Our Lady’s urgent message was one of faith, hope and comfort to the indigenous population oppressed by their Spanish overseers. In a matter of months, she ended the Aztec culture’s cult of death. The Aztec religion involved human sacrifice on an unthinkable scale. In the decade following her appearance, ten million Indians converted to Catholicism, creating a vibrant community of faith that persists to the present day.

In Europe, the Protestant Reformation raged, dividing the Church and causing millions to turn to Protestantism. At the moment that millions in Europe were being torn from the Church founded by Christ, God was arranging for twice as many in the New World to be brought into it. By divine Providence, Our Lady was creating unity and a wellspring of deep devotion among the faithful in Mexico. Her words to Juan Diego, “My dear child. Am I not here, I, who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms?”, made him, and his fellow Indians, in every way the Spaniards equals in dignity.

Am I going to hell?


RBB has become an Arabian looking Christ and is telling me I am going to hell. 
Despite what he might claim I do not recall ever telling anyone, including RBB, they are going to hell. If I have I apologize.
Though it reminded me of Mother Angelica who interviewed a Priest who was told by Jesus that he was going to hell!

Universalism is also a common misguided belief these days. The Apostle Paul said that God 'wants' everybody to be saved and that Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for all. This is not the same as saying that God 'does' universalism. 
That's why I do not object to RBB reminding me that I might go to hell. The bar is set pretty high. We all have to 'work' at getting to heaven. The Bible spells out who will be damned. And we have the ten commandments as a guide as well to right living. Justice demands that sins are given their dues. It may turn out that hell is a miserable place for people who like being miserable.

Testore- Roberto o Riccardo (An Opera by TC).

Act one scene one. A studio at the back of the house.

Riccardo: Ah Roberto, Roberto gazzo!

Roberto: Roberto gazzo?

Riccardo: Roberto, Roberto gazzo!

Roberto: Roberto gazzo?

Riccardo: Si, Roberto gazzo. You have taken -  my name -Testore.

Roberto" I have taken your name - Testore?

Riccardo: You have taken my name -Testore.

Roberto: Testore?

Riccardo: Testore!

Roberto: Testore?

Riccardo: Testore!

Roberto: Ah I see.

Riccardo: Si?

Roberto: Si!

Riccardo: A member of the damned.

Roberto: The damned?

Riccardo: The damned.

Roberto: The damned?

Riccardo: A calumnious member of the damned!

Roberto: Infamy!

Riccardo: Infamy?

Roberto: Infamy!

Riccardo: Infamy?

Roberto: You've all got it in for me!

Riccardo: That's an old joke Roberto but carry on.

Roberto: Carry On?

Riccardo: Yes,  Carry On Cleo. 

Roberto: Riccardo, take my hand.

Riccardo: Take your hand?

Roberto: My hand

Riccardo: I'll take you hand Roberto ...

Roberto: You'll take my hand Riccardo

Riccardo: I'll take you hand Roberto ... with the help of my sword.

Roberto: Your sword?

Riccardo: My sword!

Roberto: Your sword?

Riccardo: My sword!

Roberto: Belcanto? 

Riccardo: Spirocore Weich.

Roberto: Belcanto?

Riccardo: Spirocore - Spirocore - Spirocore Weich.

Roberto: Spirocore Weich.

Riccardo: Spirocore Weich.

Riccardo severs Roberto's outstretched hand with his sword made out of beaten together strands of Spirocore Weich strings.

Roberto: I forgive you Riccardo. I love you.

Riccardo: gazzo.



"Envy not the lawless man
and choose none of his ways:
To the LORD the perverse one is an abomination,
but with the upright is his friendship.

The curse of the LORD is on the house of the wicked,
but the dwelling of the just he blesses;
When dealing with the arrogant, he is stern,
but to the humble he shows kindness."

Jesus said to the crowd:
“No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel
or sets it under a bed;
rather, he places it on a lampstand
so that those who enter may see the light.
For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible,
and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light.
Take care, then, how you hear.
To anyone who has, more will be given,
and from the one who has not,
even what he seems to have will be taken away.”

Sunday Roast

There's an art in making pork crackling! I've tried many ways to get it crispy, mostly unsuccesfully. This time S suggested cutting the skin off and frying it separately. One needs a very sharp knife for this, my butchers knife was a little too blunt so I took it out to the shed and honed it one of those dangerous looking spinning disks...grinder. It worked well. It's very quick and I had to be careful not to make the stainless steel red hot, as then it goes black and brittle.
I was pleased with the result. It's cold and rainy so we have used up two hours of free power from our allotment. 

Have fun and dont sin. 

Sunday Gospel

Mk 9:30-37

Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey through Galilee,
but he did not wish anyone to know about it.
He was teaching his disciples and telling them,
“The Son of Man is to be handed over to men
and they will kill him,
and three days after his death the Son of Man will rise.”
But they did not understand the saying,
and they were afraid to question him.

They came to Capernaum and, once inside the house,
he began to ask them,
“What were you arguing about on the way?”
But they remained silent.
They had been discussing among themselves on the way
who was the greatest.
Then he sat down, called the Twelve, and said to them,
“If anyone wishes to be first,
he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.”
Taking a child, he placed it in their midst,
and putting his arms around it,


he said to them,
“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me;
and whoever receives me,
receives not me but the One who sent me.”

Jesus often seems to ask questions when he knows the answer. It is a clever device. It's not accusatory, nor dishonest. I can imagine Him asking with a smile, the way a parent might after overhearing two children arguing. It's a way of building a bridge. It's better than "Why were you arguing about ...".

In our minds we are like the apostles. Continuously weighing up our relationships. Christianity fosters humility. Pride and arrogance have no place in the Church. 


Saturday gospel

Mt 9:9-13

As Jesus passed by,
he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post.
He said to him, "Follow me."
And he got up and followed him.
While he was at table in his house,
many tax collectors and sinners came
and sat with Jesus and his disciples.
The Pharisees saw this and said to his disciples,
"Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?"
He heard this and said,
"Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.
Go and learn the meaning of the words,
I desire mercy, not sacrifice.
I did not come to call the righteous but sinners."

It's easy to hurry over this reading. Yer,yer,yer I know it!
"The Chosen" gives a memorable renditioning of it. Mathew is autistic but brilliant with sums. He is despised and despite his wealth has only a dog as a friend. When Jesus calls him he jumps at the opportunity and leaves his office immediately. The other apostles snub him. But Jesus is kind. The power of His gaze is irresistible. He sees Mathew and Mathew looks into Jesus' eyes. Mathew recognizes instantly the divine authority. 

Later Saturday.

I'm lying on the couch having a coffee with S. This is what I see out the window, 
I take a photo to see how it goes. It's OK!
We are talking about cooking pork strips. It seems I should cut the skin off and cook it separately. Fresh spinach seems to go with it.
"So what time shall I go grocery shopping?"
"Whenever you are ready".
I pack up the computer.
Later I paint my name

Saturday morning

 It is 5.15 am as I sit down to write. I have made breakfast for three, had three cups of coffee, medicated S, put the 'rags' on to wash, and emptied and refilled the dishwasher. In one hour I will be in Eastbourne. 

Yesterday I built a wheel chair ramp for the front steps from old pallets and a rubber mat that had blown over from the Presbyterian Church and galvanized self tapping screws from demolishions at Queensgate Mall. It will be an aid for the ambulance staff and us when we have to take S out.

(I removed the pic. Don't know why they sometimes come out too big!)

Friday morning

Rob opened the back sliding door and stepped out onto the wooden deck.

He squeezed the remaining contents of the Chef cat food packet into a metal bowl that had been left behind in the surgery for syringing ears. He dimly made out movement in it. Ants. He quickly scooped it into another plastic bowl that had been soaking in water. The cat continued to eat from the metal bowl. It's natural he thought and looked up at the stars. Gamma Velorum was visible to the East. A quadruple star system in the constellation Vela. Regor was up there too.  Spelled backwards it reads Roger. A bit of a joke invented by Gus Grissom, an Apollo 1 astronaut. He supposed they have a lot of time on their hands up there.
It is estimated to be 1096 light years from Earth. He mused that the first Crusade was getting underway when the light he was seeing left the star. They massacred thousands of Jews on the Rhineland on their way to the Holy Land also in that year. War has no good side.

Rob was chuffed to receive positive feedback for his comment on Trent Horn's page. It was rather a long comment and the love hearts gave him a buzz. He didn't expect love hearts for this blog, however. For some reason he couldn't fathom, lapsed Catholics and heretics who had renounced their faith, couldn't stomach Catholics who hadn't. As Trent Horn had said in the video "I'd rather be a naive member of the elect than a calumnious member of the damned". 

Have fun but don't sin.


 Just watched Trent Horn "Enough is enough".  The poor old Pope has put his foot in his mouth again. Ah well, nothing I can do about it.

I'm off to 7 am Mass soon, a bit of shopping then leave my car for a WOF. 

S is up and watching her soaps. K will be up soon. RBB will be off to a school somewhere probably. TC will be up soon having weetbix for breakfast  and stressing about 'those' Catholics.

Have to go...

"The current waiting time is ...."

 There is growing pressure from business to contact them online. Generally this is through a call centre or centralized branch (Auckland).

Here's the hype the banks and others feed us.

Profound technological changes, and the ease with which customers can access their accounts digitally means that our physical branch network is experiencing a sustained fall in demand. In fact, the majority of our customers (74 percent) now choose to interact with us via telephone, online, or mobile banking.

Here's the image we imagine on the phone.

In truth it is more like this.

Call centres are notoriously unpleasant places to work. Poor recognition for effort, little promotion opportunity and of course abusive customers.

I had an item on my credit card via text (think you are safe with two step verification? No!) I couldn't explain, after racking my brains and finding no explanation I rang the bank.
"Our current waiting time is 20 to 30 minutes". Hmmph, I was at work and couldn't justify that.
 Thinking that the transaction would not happen without that code being entered by myself I left it for a couple of weeks until I checked my Credit card and found a mysterious $40 had been spent in Auckland!
This time I was on leave so had time to wait if needed.
"Thank you for your call, our current waiting time is 15 minutes".
This time I got through and the recommendation was to stop my card and reissue a new number. Surprisingly the chap at the call centre was aware of every business that had my card number stored. There were about seven, and he cancelled them all. A dispute was started by the bank then with the company that had accepted my card number. I am still waiting to hear the result. That's all good. But I wonder why we have to wait so long at call centres. It's not just the banks. I can understand waiting at 'work and income' or other government agencies , but private business should have better provisions for customers. After all they are saving heaps by closing, it would seem, every second branch!

That's my Curmudgeonly post for the week. 

Have fun but do not sin. 


Lk 7:11-17

Jesus journeyed to a city called Nain,
and his disciples and a large crowd accompanied him.
As he drew near to the gate of the city,
a man who had died was being carried out,
the only son of his mother, and she was a widow.
A large crowd from the city was with her.
When the Lord saw her,
he was moved with pity for her and said to her,
"Do not weep."
He stepped forward and touched the coffin;
at this the bearers halted,
and he said, "Young man, I tell you, arise!"
The dead man sat up and began to speak,
and Jesus gave him to his mother.
Fear seized them all, and they glorified God, exclaiming,
"A great prophet has arisen in our midst,"
and "God has visited his people."
This report about him spread through the whole of Judea
and in all the surrounding region.

This is an interesting passage. To be honest it came as a bit of a surprise. It shows the amazing number of works that Jesus performed that this account can almost be forgotten. Imagine if Muhammad had done this. Of course he didn't. Only God can raise someone spontaneously from death. 


Sunday Jam

Rob arrived first. It was a tradition, but he knew the rest of the group would not be far behind.

RBB was the principal fiddle player. He entered through the side glass panel door.

RJ was the next to arrive and they all went down stairs to meet and greet. As they stood chatting a late model Peugeot glided up the drive. "That's electric" said Rob, "can't wait to see under the bonnet". C the driver obliged and they all stood around ogling the engine. For all intents and purposes it looked like a four cylinder petrol motor.  But a closer inspection revealed that those leads on the side were not for sparking plugs. This was a front wheel electric configuration. Rob whistled through his teeth "What a beaut" he said. 
Over coffee and cake they discussed Peter. He lived up north and had sadly passed on to his reward. A paratrooper and fireman he was the father of D's wife F. They all had fond recollections of him. 
Then it was down to business.

Rob was mostly on percussion. They played everything from 'She'll be coming round mountain' to Beatles, blues, and Wagon Wheel by the Old Crow Medicine Show.

It rapped up about 4 pm with everyone having had a great time.


 I went to the vigil Mass last night. The 'Pacific Island' choir was there. I sat close to watch the pianist. He's probably in his late 40s and is extremely good. He plays from memory, obviously improvising a little as he does. I was feeling a little down after the late night yesterday. But after I received Jesus at communion I had a surge of new vigour and joined in the last two hymns full voice!

I saw S's light on at two a.m. After checking on her I went back to bed until 3.30 am. S was awake so I got up and made her a cup of tea and breakfast. 

The forecast is for showers clearing 16C. 

Off now to make breakfast for me and K.

Have fun boys but do not sin.

Oh nearly forgot today's Gospel.

I  liked the first reading for today....

Is 50:5-9a

The Lord GOD opens my ear that I may hear;
and I have not rebelled,
have not turned back.
I gave my back to those who beat me,
my cheeks to those who plucked my beard;
my face I did not shield
from buffets and spitting.

The Lord GOD is my help,
therefore I am not disgraced;
I have set my face like flint,
knowing that I shall not be put to shame.
He is near who upholds my right;
if anyone wishes to oppose me,
let us appear together.
Who disputes my right?
Let that man confront me.
See, the Lord GOD is my help;
who will prove me wrong?


 Trent Horn has had a concise look at the Trump/Harris debate and abortion in the USA.

We are having a lazy day after a late evening in the hospital last night. We waited over 4 hours for the ambulance. They said our case wasn't really urgent and they were very busy. About 10 minutes later a nurse rang. They do quite a clever thing with phones now where the nurse looks through my phone remotely and gauges the wound's severity. She decided it was bad enough to go to hospital. We weren't surprised with the waiting time even though the hospital and ambulance base are just 5 minutes away. It was the same last time  S split her knee open. 

When the ambulance did arrive about 6.10 pm they seemed a little surprised about the wait. They said they had just come on shift though. But at the hospital end the ambulance had a word with the co-ordinator and managed to get us a higher priority. In the end the doctor admitted that there was not much they could do and he said the type of wound took a very long time to heal. Stitching was not an option. We are familiar with these open wounds on the front chin of the lower leg. The skin is thin and tight and its a matter of keeping it clean and covered. we'll be having a nurse visit to change the dressings 2 or 3 times a week. We are very fortunate to have free care.

I'll keep  S company for a couple of hours until she toddles off to bed and then I'll have a few run throughs  of the Blue Drag and Haydn Concerto. I've got accompaniments for both and it's fun playing along.

Have fun but don't sin.

New York, New York.


Amish country

I predict that TC will say "and?"